Version 3.3.2

  • Fixed : Accordion : Default Active Option Type Bug Fixed.
  • Fixed : Anything Carousel : Site Editor Bug Fixed.
  • Fixed : Attributes Options : Convert Field Type String to Number.
  • Fixed : Taxonomy Listing : Block Editor Get Lists API Bug Fixed.
  • Fixed : Navigation Builder Menu : Mobile Menu JS Click Event Bug Fixed
  • Fixed : Bugs and Improvements

Version 3.3.2

  • Fixed : Attributes Options : Convert Field Type String to Number.
  • Fixed : Enqueue Style : Double Slash URL bug Fixed.
  • Fixed : Post Title : Count Limit Word/Character Option Bug Fixed
  • Fixed : Bugs and Improvements

Version 3.3.1

  • Fix : Progress Bar : Editor Bug Fixed
  • Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements

Version 3.3.1

  • Fix : Dynamic Field : Block Editor Taxonomy List Bug Fixed
  • Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements

Version 3.3.0

  • Added : Accordion : Ajax Base Template Load Option 
  • Added : Coupon Code : Ajax Base Template Load Option 
  • Added : Dynamic Devices : Ajax Base Template Load Option 
  • Added : Expand : Ajax Base Template Load Option 
  • Added : Mobile Menu : Ajax Base Template Load Option 
  • Added : Navigation Menu : Ajax Base Template Load Option 
  • Added : Switcher : Ajax Base Template Load Option 
  • Added : Tab Tours : Ajax Base Template Load Option 
  • Added : Time Line : Ajax Base Template Load Option 
  • Added : Carousel Anything : Editor Option Added in Slide
  • Revamped : Advance Button : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Audio Player : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Before After : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Carousel Remote : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : CTA Banner : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Coupon Code : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Dynamic Devices : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Lottie Animations : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Mobile Menu : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Mouse Cursor : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Navigation Menu : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Popup Builder : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Row Background : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Fix : Accordion : Mobile on Click Scroll minor bug
  • Fix : Advanced Chart : Prefix-Postfix text Color bug
  • Accessibility : Add ALT Tag in All Image Related Blocks

Version 3.3.0

  • Improvement : Remove jQuery Dependency 
  • Added : AJAX Base Template Load Using Class
  • Added: Container: Content Box layout option added in Container Full Width.
  • Added : Info Box : Add Carousel Remote Connection option 
  • Added : Lazy Render Using Class
  • Added : Accordion : Add / Remove Accordions From Toolbar
  • Added : Tab Tours : Add / Remove tab From Toolbar
  • Added : Testimonials  : Add / Remove Testimonial From Toolbar
  • Fixed : Load Reusable Block CSS : Blocksy Content Template Front End Bug
  • Revamped : Data Table : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Google Map  : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Progress Bar : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Tab Tours  : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Video Block  : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Accessibility : Add ALT Tag in All Image Related Blocks

Version 3.2.10

  • Fix : Scroll Sequence : Image Type bug Fix

Version 3.2.9

  • Compatibility : WordPress 6.5
  • Compatibility : Post Listing  : Archive Listing Compatibility.
  • Fix : Search Bar : Multiple Taxonomy filter Bug Fix
  • Fix : Post Meta Info : Sorting option value bug Fix
  • Plus Performance : Optimized Code and Improved Performance

Version 3.2.9

  • Fix : Mobile Menu : Editor Css Bug Fix
  • Fix : Navigation Builder  : Front Js Bug Fix
  • Fix : Creative Image : Mask Image Css Bug Fix

Version 3.2.8

  • Added : Number Counter : Numeration Option [Link]
  • Added : Progress Tracker : Pin Point Option and It Will Connect To Container Or Any Unique Id. [Link]
  • Added : Plugin Deactivate : QUICK FEEDBACK Popup Added.
  • Fix : Info Box : Carousel Layout Default Button CSS Load Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Social Feeds : Multi-Bytes Bug Fix
  • Fix : Social Reviews : Multi-Bytes Bug Fix
  • Fix : Full Site Editor : Global Color and Typography CSS Loading Bug Fixed
  • Fix : Plus Core Blocks : Preview Device JS Bug Fixed
  • Fix : CSS & JS : Fix for Loading HTTP or HTTPS URLs Bug
  • Fix : Component : Range Field Unit Change Bug Fixed
  • Fix : Post Meta : Post Reading Time Bug Fixed.

Version 3.2.8

  • Added : Coupon Code : Animated Copy Icon Option
  • Fix : Accordion : iOS Devices Bug Fix
  • Fix : Switcher : iOS Devices Toggle Bug Fix
  • Fix : Carousel : Splide Slider Dots CSS Conflict With kadence Slider block
  • Fix : Social Feeds : Multi-Bytes Bug Fix
  • Fix : Social Reviews : Multi-Bytes Bug Fix
  • Fix : Navigation Builder : Off Canvas Vertical Menu Css Bug Fix

Version 3.2.7

  • Update : Post Listing : Display Post Option Increase Maximum limit
  • Fix : Post Listing : Option Selector Bug Fix
  • Fix : Flip Box : Image Size Bug Fix
  • Fix : Table Of Content : Front Css Bug Fix

Version 3.2.7

  • Update : Post Listing : Display Post Option Increase Maximum limit
  • Fix : Accordion Inner : Gutenberg Class Name Bug Fix
  • Fix : Display Rules : Compatibility of Advanced iFrame block attributes Bug Fix

Version 3.2.6

  • Security : Minor Security Improvements
  • Fix : Plus Extras : Equal Height Classname JS Bug Fix

Version 3.2.6

  • Security : Minor Security Improvements

Version 3.2.5

  • Added : Dynamic Field : Improve Custom Add Dynamic Field & Dynamic Field Get Data add Filter.
  • Fix : Post Listing : Dynamic Selector Missing Bracket CSS Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Product Listing : Filter Tags select Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Carousel : Splide JS Keyboard Navigation Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Navigation Builder : Responsive Mega Menu Resize JS Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Count Down : Content Background Dynamic CSS Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Testimonial : Content Limit Bug Fix.

Version 3.2.5

  • Fix : Display Rules : Attribute Other Blocks Plugin Bug Fix
  • Fix : Core Image : CSS Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Interactive Circle Info : CSS Bug Fix.

Version 3.2.4

  • Added : Testimonial : Border Option in All Styles
  • Added : Post Listing : Style 3 Image Width Option Added.
  • Fix : Tab Tours : Content Expand Block JS Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Accordion : Front Js Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Container : Deep Layer Video Background Self Hosted Bug Fix

Version 3.2.4

  • Added : Plus Extra All Global Option Added.
  • Fix : Carousel : Slider Responsive Arrow Bug Fix
  • Fix : Plus Blocks Settings : Scan Unused Blocks For White Label Bug Fix
  • Fix : Accordion : Popup Builder block conflict CSS Bug Fix

Version 3.2.3

  • Compatibility : Gutenberg V17.4.1 : Responsive Preview Device CSS bug fix
  • Fix : Container : Mobile Device Flex Direction bug fix

Version 3.2.3

  • Added : Taxonomy Listing : "No Taxonomy Found" Text Option Added 
  • Fix : Taxonomy Listing : CSS Bug Fix

Version 3.2.2

  • Reduce : API's : Posts/Pages and streamlining multiple API calls Reduce and Optimize code
  • Added : All Blocks : Global Flex Option Added.
  • Added : Container : Position Absolute / Fixed Option Added.
  • Added : Google Fonts : Plus Jakarta Sans, Passions Conflict, Kumbh Sans.
  • Added : Info Box : Description Margin Option Added.
  • Added : Post Content: Paragraph( P tag )  Margin Option Added.
  • Update : Datatables : JS Update 
  • Compatibility : Wp Super Cache : Clearing the cache after saving FSE templates.
  • Compatibility : AAWP Plugin : Display Rules Compatibility
  • Compatibility : Formidable Forms : Display Rules Compatibility
  • Compatibility : Range Slider : Kadence Blocks Range Slider Safari Browser Bug Fix
  • Fix : RichText : Space Bar Bug Fix in FSE Theme.
  • Fix : Breadcrumb : Schema Markup Category Page Bug Fix
  • Fix : Breadcrumb : Current Active Typography Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Selector Media Query :  CSS Media Query Bug Fix
  • Fix : Components : Repeater Component Drag Sorting Order Bug Fix
  • Fix : Accordion : Description Typography color option Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Info Box : Carousel Layout Button Css Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Image : Css Bug Fix
  • Fix : FSE Theme : Blog Page cache generate Issue Bug Fix
  • Fix : Performance and Optimized Code

Version 3.2.2

  • Added : Taxonomy Listing Listing Block
  • Added : All Carousel Vertical layout Height Ratio Option added For Responsive
  • Update : Media Listing & Scroll Sequance : Upload Select Images Update Gallery Components 
  • Fix : Post Listing Category Child Filter Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Pre Loader Front Js Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Social Sharing Toggle Link Bug Fix.

Version 3.2.1

  • Added : Heading Block
  • Added : Button Block
  • Added : Icon Box Block
  • Added : Image Block 
  • Added : Interactive Circle Info : Button option
  • Added : Pro Paragraph : New Column Option & Drop Cap Option added in Pro Paragraph.
  • Added : Component : Typography Font Family add Font : "Plus Jakarta Sans"
  • Added : Need Help : All Blocks add Demo Page URL and Documentation URL easy to find
  • Added : Component : Typography Font Size add Unit "REM"
  • Improved : Attributes Block Unique Id
  • Updated : Progress Bar : Progress Value Dynamic Field Compatibility
  • Compatibility : Content Views Plugin  Compatibility.
  • Compatibility : MailPoet Plugin Compatibility.
  • Compatibility : AAWP Plugin Compatibility.
  • Changed : Block Name : Heading Title to Advance Heading 
  • Changed : Block Name : Button to Advance Button
  • Changed : Block Name : Image to Advanced Image
  • Fix : Carousel Anything : Hide Carousel height bug fix
  • Fix : Container : WP Core Blocks Conflict Editor CSS Bug Fix
  • Fix : Search Bar : Include Exclude query bug fix
  • Fix : Style Book Bug Fix in FSE Theme
  • Fix : Gutenberg Core Image Block Bug Fix inside Container Inner.
  • Fix : Patterns : Preview TP Blocks CSS Bug Fix

Version 3.2.1

  • Added : Accordion : Collapse/Expand Button Option
  • Added : Flip Box : Title Background Option
  • Changed : Block Name : Advance Button to Pro Button
  • Fix : Advanced Typography : Marquee width bug fix
  • Fix : Post Listing : View Post in New Tab bug fix
  • Fix : Switcher Toggle Size Bug Fix in Blocksy Theme
  • Fix : Tabs Tours : Navigation Width bug Fix
  • Fix : Navigation : Mobile menu label Typography Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Team Member : PHP Notice Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Anything Carousel : Splide JS Vertical Mode JS Bug Fix
  • Fix : Table Of Content : Toggle Content Height CSS Bug Fix

Version 3.2.0

  • Improvement : Live Copy Paste Improved
  • Improvement : Container : Compatibility of Backend and Frontend Look Same
  • Update : All Blocks : Validator HTML Check and Performance
  • Update : Heading Title : Style-9 Animation JS improvements and Fix
  • Update : Code Highlighter : RichText Editor in Toolbar Option added
  • Update : Code Highlighter : Prism JS Update Latest Version and Compressed JS Files
  • Compatibility : Jet Gallery Plugin
  • Performance : The Plus Settings : Panel All Pages Improved Performance
  • Performance : CMB2 : Removed from Plugin
  • Security : Minor Security Improvements
  • Fix : Full Site Editor : Template Parts Preview Device Bug
  • Fix : Container : Remove Inline <style> tag CSS
  • Fix : Draw SVG : <Object> add Aria-label Accessibility PageSpeed Insights
  • Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements

Version 3.2.0

  • Added : Display Rules : Compatibility of ACF Fields Ex. Text, Checkbox, Select, Button Group, Radio, etc.
  • Compatibility : Post Navigation : Compatible with The Event Calendar
  • Fix : Navigation Builder : Alignment Bug
  • Fix : Accordion : Compatibility with equal height and Bug
  • Fix : Anything Carousel : Dots Bug
  • Fix : Dynamic Values : Product Price : Field Bug

Version 3.1.2

  • Added : Scroll Navigation : New Style Added for Container Sticky
  • Fix : SVG is Creating invalid html : Bad value none for attribute role on element object.

Version 3.1.2

  • Added : Count Down : All Styles in Free Block.
  • Performance : On Demand Assets : Patterns CSS Loading Bug Fix
  • Compatibility : Container : Twenty Twenty-Three Theme Full Width Compatibility
  • Menu : The Plus Settings : "Reusable Blocks" Rename to "Patterns"
  • Fix : SVG is Creating invalid html : Bad value to none for attribute role on element object.

Version 3.1.1

  • Compatibility : WordPress 6.3 Further Compatibility Revisions
  • Compatibility : Gutenberg plugin 16.3.0.
  • Compatibility : FSE Theme : Attempt Block Recovery All TPAG Blocks Resolved
  • Fix : Breadcrumbs : Letter Limit Bug

Version 3.1.1

  • Compatibility : WordPress 6.3 Further Compatibility Revisions
  • Update : Switcher : Keep active switch on page refresh
  • Fix : Sticky Container CSS Bug

Version 3.1.0

  • Compatibility : WordPress Version 6.3
  • Added : Carousel Anything : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Media Listing : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Post Listing : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Product Listing : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : InfoBox Carousel : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Flipbox : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Testimonials : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Team Members : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Social Feed : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Social Reviews : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Blockquote : Icon Position and Author Typography Option Added
  • Added : Info box : Icon gradient color option added
  • Added : Social Icons : Style-3 Icon Width Option Added
  • Revamped : Creative Image : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Count Down : Made it jQuery Free and converted in 100% Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Post Image : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Search Bar : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Social Feed : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Social Review : Made it jQuery Free and converted in 100% Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Compatibility : MemberPress Courses : CSS Load Compatible
  • Compatibility : GetWid Plugin : Backend Error Bug Fix.
  • Compatibility : WP Grid Builder Plugin : Backend Error Bug Fix.
  • Compatibility : Kadence Shop Kit : WooCommerce Templates Kadence
  • Compatibility : Gutenberg HTML Anchor Tag Compatibility in Container & Heading Title block
  • Compatibility : WordPress Version 5.7
  • Compatibility : Gutenberg Standalone Plugin : V13.6.0 compatible
  • Update : Container : Improvement for Backend and Frontend Lookalike Setup
  • Fix : Testimonial : Masonry Layout Issue Front End
  • Fix : Info Box : Title & Description Rich Text Bug
  • Fix : TPAG Blocks : On Page Refresh block_id Change Bug Fix
  • Fix : Performance : On Demand Assets Bug Fix
  • Fix : Performance : Smart Optimization Site Editor Template Parts CSS Bug Fix

Version 3.1.0

  • Compatibility : WordPress Version 6.3
  • Added : Container : Sticky and Overlay Options
  • Added : Container : Middle Layer : Canvas Style-8 Color Option
  • Added : Carousel Anything : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Media Listing : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Post Listing : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Product Listing : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : InfoBox Carousel : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Flipbox : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Testimonials : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Team Members : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Social Feed : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Social Reviews : Auto Scroll option in Carousel
  • Added : Post Listing : Metro Custom Layout and Add View Post in New Tab Option
  • Added : Product Listing : Metro Custom Layout
  • Added : Row : Middle Layer : Canvas Style-8 Add Color Option
  • Added : Media / Gallery Listing : Metro Custom Layout
  • Revamped : Circle Menu : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Container : Deep Layer (Animated Background Color, Scroll Parallax), Middle Layer (Canvas, Canvas Particle Ground) Made it jQuery Free and converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Container : Sticky Column Made it jQuery Free and converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Count Down : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Creative Image : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Heading Animation : Made it jQuery Free and converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Media Listing : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Preloader : Made it jQuery Free and converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Row : Deep Layer (Animated Background Color, Scroll Parallax), Middle Layer (Canvas, Canvas Particle Ground) Made it jQuery Free and converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Row : Sticky Column Made it jQuery Free and converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Scroll Navigation : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Social Feed : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : Social Review : Converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Compatibility : Gutenberg HTML Anchor Tag Compatibility in Container & Heading Title block
  • Fix : Accordion : Nested Accordion Bug
  • Fix : Advanced Typography : Hover Image Reveal JS Bug
  • Fix : Testimonial : Masonry Layout Issue Front End
  • Fix : Display Rules : Single Term Display Bug Fix
  • Fix : Posts Listing : Style 3 Layout 2 Category List Bug Fix
  • Fix : Media Listing : Add Image Alt text.

Version 3.0.4

  • Fix : Block Context Error Bug Fix

Version 3.0.3

  • Added : Info Box : Carousel Option
  • Added : Global Options : Gradient Color Field
  • Added : Global Options : Disable Global options Completely - No Assets will be loaded on Frontend - #7790
  • Compatibility : MemberPress Courses : Courses and Lessons Page Compatibility
  • Fix : Search Bar : On First load Results Visibility Bug
  • Fix : FSE Theme Editor : All Plus Blocks Advanced Tab : Custom CSS Field Bug
  • Fix : Carousel Option : Arrow Responsive Bug

Version 3.0.3

  • Fix : Container & Row : Performance Optimization of JS delivery
  • Fix : Inner Container : Flex Direction CSS Bug
  • Fix : Login Register : FSE Theme Bug
  • Fix : Login Register : Hover/Click form Responsive Bug
  • Fix : Container & Row : Particle JS Canvas Bug
  • Fix : Mailchimp : Submit Button Align Bug
  • Fix : Popup Builder Close Animation Bug
  • Fix : Navigation : Frontend JS Bug & Selector added For Off-canvas Background Color Bug & Close Icon Color Bug
  • Fix : Column : Improvements and Bugs
  • Fix : Carousel : Dot Style 4 Bug
  • Fix : LottieFiles Animation : Responsive Alignment Bug
  • Fix : Table Of Content : Front JS Bug

Version 3.0.2

  • Added : Container : New Property Align Item normal & Justify content Space Evenly Options add.
  • Added : Container : Add Reverse Column Options with Responsive.
  • Added : Info box : Add Padding Option for Title and Description
  • Added : Search Bar : Add Option for Selected Taxonomy All result on load
  • Added : Social Icons : Add Padding Option for Style-1, Style-2 and Style-14
  • Fix : Container : Equal Column Bug Fix in Backend
  • Fix : Post Meta : Dynamic Field Bug Fix
  • Fix : Social Feed : Post URL Bug Fix
  • Fix : Core Blocks : RSS, Archives, Latest Comments, Tag Cloud Bug Fix
  • Fix : More Improvement and Bug Fix

Version 3.0.2

  • Added : Plus Extras : Event Tracker : Google (GA4) and Facebook Events Tracker
  • Added : Container : New Property Align Item normal & Justify content Space Evenly Options add.
  • Added : Container : Add Reverse Column Options with Responsive.
  • Added : Pricing Table : Add Alignment option for Content, Add Icon Color for Individual Stylish List, Add Extra Icon for Stylish List
  • Added : Testimonial : Add Margin Option for Content
  • Compatibility : Animated Service Boxes : Hover Section Style Compatible with Container
  • Fix : Row : Middle Layer Option Canvas Bug Fix
  • Fix : Container : Middle Layer Option Canvas Bug Fix
  • Fix : Container : Equal Column Bug Fix in Backend
  • Fix : Accordion  : Responsive Scroll Bug Fix
  • Fix : Popup Builder : Show Popup Per User Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Popup Builder : Contact Form 7 Sent Mail Success of Close Popup Option.
  • Fix : Table Of Content : Default Open Toggle in heading Bug Fix
  • Fix : Social Feed : Post URL Bug Fix
  • Fix : Core Blocks : RSS, Archives, Latest Comments, Tag Cloud Bug Fix
  • Fix : More Improvement and Bug Fix.

Version 3.0.1

  • Added : Spline 3d Viewer add Backend Visibility option for better performance
  • Component : Range Field : Unit Value Bug Fix
  • Fix : Navigation Builder : JS Bug Fix
  • Fix : Tab Tours : Editor Bug Fix
  • Fix : More Improvement and Bug Fix

Version 3.0.1

  • Added : Post Meta Info : Post Reading Time Add Option & Custom Meta Field Repeater Option
  • Update : The Plus Settings : On Boarding Process update text
  • Component : Range Field : Unit Value bug fix
  • Fix : More Improvement and Bug Fix

Version 3.0.0

  • Added : Progress Tracker : New Block [View Demo]
  • Added : Reusable Block : Add Shortcode Support.
  • Added : The Plus Settings : On Boarding Process
  • Update : Remove All Block Title "TP" word
  • Update : Components : Responsive Mode Change Unit value (px to em) Range Slider and Dimension Fields
  • Fix : External Form Styler : Container block Bug
  • Fix : Social Feed : Feed Image URL change to Feed Post URL
  • Fix : Tab Tours : CSS Bug
  • Fix : More Improvements and Bugs Fixed
  • Improvement : Security Update Bug Fix

Version 3.0.0

  • Added : Spline 3D Viewer : New Block 
  • Added : Pricing List : Content Padding Option
  • Update : Advanced Charts : Aspect Ratio option removed
  • Fix : Plus Extras : Display Rules : Attributes Bug Fix in Advanced iframe
  • Fix : Before After : On Page Load JS Bug
  • Fix : Expand : On Different Tab and Tours Block Compatibility Click Event Bug
  • Fix : Social Feed : Feed Image URL change to Feed Post URL
  • Fix : Editor : Preview table/mobile Responsive Save Post Dynamic Block CSS bug
  • Fix : More Improvements and Bugs
  • Improvement : Security Update Bug Fix

Version 2.0.8

  • Fix : TP Data Table : PHP Bug Fix & Front JS Bug Fix
  • Fix : TP Post Listing : Lazy Load/Load More Bug Fix
  • Fix : TP Container : Dynamic Background Image CSS Bug Fix
  • Fix : TP Creative Image : Dynamic Data Bug Fix

Version 2.0.7

  • Added : TP Post Listing  : Add Filter Text Style Option  
  • Compatibility : JetEngine Meta Field :  Dynamic fields.
  • Revamped : Mouse Move Parallax : Made it jQuery Free and converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : TP Table of Content : Made it jQuery Free and converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Fix : TP Circle Menu : Close Icon Color Bug Fix.
  • Fix : TP Scroll Navigation : Front JS Bug Fix.
  • Fix : TP Advanced Chart : Front JS Bug Fix.
  • Fix : TP Post Listing : Image Height Bug Fix.
  • Fix : TP Timeline : Image issue in Responsive.

Version 2.0.7

  • Improved : Plus Paste : Live Copy to Paste Content Import Media Improvements
  • Added : TP Button : Add Fancy Box Popup Options.
  • Added : TP Search Bar : Reusable Block layout for search result
  • Compatibility : TP Post Image : Background Compatible With TP Container.
  • Revamped : TP Heading Title : Made it jQuery Free and converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : TP Progress Bar : Progress type Made it jQuery Free and converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : TP Smooth Scroll : Made it jQuery Free and converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Fix : TP Heading Title : Title Limit Bug Fix
  • Fix : TP Social Icons : Tooltip JS Bug Fix

Version 2.0.6

  • Update : TP Post Content : Bug fix
  • Component : Repeater : Bug fix

Version 2.0.6

  • Update : TP Popup Builder : JS bug fix
  • Update : TP Post Content : Bug fix
  • Component : Repeater : Bug fix

Version 2.0.5

  • Added : TP Info Box : Dynamic Heading Tag option for Title and Description Fields
  • Added : TP Data Table : Responsive Column Width Option for Table Header
  • Added : TP Search Bar : Disable option for Input Search Field
  • Compatibility : Polylang plugin : Site Editor Templates
  • Compatibility : WP Rocket : Generate Cache Exclude Dynamic CSS
  • Revamped : TP External Form Styler : Made it jQuery Free and converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Deprecated : TP External Form Styler : Caldera Form Style Options deprecated
  • Fix : Caching : On Demand Assets Cache bug fix template load
  • Fix : Caching : Smart Optimized bug Fix
  • Fix : Responsive CSS Bug Fix 

Version 2.0.5

  • Added : TP Post Listing : Custom Loop Skin Using TPAG Block
  • Added : TP Data Table : Responsive Column Width Option for Table Header
  • Added : TP Pricing Table : Add Hover Option for Content Area
  • Added : TP Table Of Content : Alignment Option Added.
  • Added : TP Timeline : Pin Margin Option Added.
  • Revamped : TP MailChimp : Made it jQuery Free and converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Revamped : TP Process Steps : Made it jQuery Free and converted in Vanilla JS for Top notch performance.
  • Fix : TP Navigation Menu : Responsive Toggle Menu Bug Fix.
  • Fix : TP Post Listing : Metro Layout Load More / Lazy Load JS Bug Fix.
  • Fix : TP Popup Builder : Multiple External Button Bug Fix.
  • Fix : Caching : On Demand Assets Cache bug fix template load.
  • Fix : Caching : Smart Optimized bug Fix.
  • Fix : Responsive CSS Bug Fix.

Version 2.0.4

  • Added : TP Data Table : Table Header Alignment Option
  • Fix : TP Container : Front End Tag Bug Fix.
  • Fix : TP Google Map : Editor Side Block Crash Bug
  • Fix   : TP Navigation Menu : Vertical Menu Bug
  • Fix  : TP Container : Row Background You Tube Video Autoplay Bug Fix
  • Fix : TP Post Listing : Lazy Load Bug Fix in Nested Tab Tours. 
  • Fix : TP Post Listing : Infinite Loading ( Responsive ) of TP Post Listing in Lazy Load
  • Fix : Backend Responsive Bug Fix
  • Fix : Responsive Device Page Crash Bug Fix
  • Fix : More Improvements and Bugs Fixes

Version 2.0.4

  • Added : TP Data Table : Table Header Alignment Option
  • Fix : TP Container : Front End Tag Bug Fix
  • Fix : Frontend Preview : Global Load CSS Bug Fix
  • Fix : Backend Responsive Bug Fix
  • Fix : Responsive Device Page Crash Bug Fix
  • Fix : More Improvements and Bugs Fixes

Version 2.0.3

  • Added : TP Search Bar : Query Include/Exclude terms from search result
  • Added : TP Pricing List : Add RichText for Price Field
  • Added : Social Review : Add Disable option for Social Icon and Profile
  • Compatibility : FSE Block Theme
  • Compatibility : WordPress 6.2
  • Compatibility : TP Container : GeneratePress Theme
  • Fix : Gravity Form : Display Rules Bug
  • Fix : Frontend  Caching Performance code 80% Improvement
  • Fix : Backend Editor Reusable blocks use Loop Listing improve loading Performance Editor Side
  • Fix : Accordion : Minor JS Bug
  • Fix : More Improvements and Bugs Fixes

Version 2.0.3

  • Added : TP Post Listing : Add Category/Tag in Style 1
  • Added: Social Review : Add Disable option for Social Icon and Profile
  • Compatibility : FSE Block Theme 
  • Compatibility : WordPress 6.2
  • Compatibility : TP Container : GeneratePress Theme
  • Fix : Gravity Form : Display Rules Bug
  • Fix : TP Tab Tours : On Tab change Content Post Listing Disable Animation Bug
  • Fix : TP Popup : Hamburger Icon Issue in Responsive
  • Fix : TP Popup : Button Icon Issue in Greek Theme
  • Fix : TP Login : Register Mailchimp Bug
  • Fix : Accordion : Minor JS Bug
  • Fix : More Improvements and Bugs Fixes

Version 2.0.2

  • Compatibility: TP Container: Astra, Kadence, OceanWP, GeneratePress, Neve, Blocsy, BlockPress, and Twenty Twenty-Three Themes Testing, Improvement and Compatibility
  • Added: TP Post Listing: Load More / Lazy Load Animation Disable Option Added
  • Compatibility: Kadence Pro Plugin: Latest V1.0.9 compatibility
  • Fix : TP Login Register Minor Bug Fix

Version 2.0.2

  • Compatibility: TP Container: Astra, Kadence, OceanWP, GeneratePress, Neve, Blocsy, BlockPress, and Twenty Twenty-Three Themes Testing, Improvement and Compatibility
  • Fix: TP Draw SVG: Firefox Browser CSS Bug
  • Compatibility: Kadence Pro Plugin: Latest V1.0.9 compatibility

Version 2.0.1

  • Fix : TP Social Reviews : Minor Bug
  • Fix : TP Post Listing : Minor Bug

Version 2.0.1

  • Fix : TP Social Reviews : Minor Bug
  • Fix : TP Post Listing : Minor Bug

Version 2.0.0

  • Improved: Revamped CSS File Structures and made all assets condition based for all 100+ Blocks and Features to make assets lightweight and improve the performance of the site.
  • Update : Full Site Editing(FSE) : 100+ Blocks and Features : Improved for Compatibility
  • Improved: Revamped CSS & JS Generation Algorithm and Added Two Fresh options for Assets Generation. The first one is Smart Optimised, and the Second one is On Demand Assets Loading. Read More about that.
  • Accessibility: 100+ Blocks and Features: Aria Text and Accessibility related Updates based on Google Lighthouse
  • Update: 100+ Blocks and Features: Responsive Devices compatibility and improvements as required
  • Added: Delay Extra 3rd Party JS Option:  If enabled, It will delay heavy JS like Font Awesome Pro, Google Map, Lottie files and More in future.
  • Added: Defer CSS & JS: If enabled, It will load all CSS & JS of the page with defer method to render HTML Faster.
  • Added: Fluid Typography: Font Size with Clamp Option
  • Improved: Multi-Select Component for all Blocks
  • Update: All TPAG Blocks will be shown first in the Gutenberg Blocks Selection panel
  • Update: System Fonts added in font family Field of Typography
  • Compatibility: LearnPress Initial Compatibility
  • Compatibility: Plus Extra: Display Rules Added Compatibility with selected other block plugins
  • Update: TPGB performance admin bar: Added Option in Plus Extra Settings
  • Update: TP Accordions: Hover Triggers improved for responsive setup
  • Update: TP Tabs & Tours: Hover Triggers improved for responsive setup
  • Update: TP Progress Bar: Hover Triggers improved for responsive setup
  • Update: TP Social Feed: Carousel JS Improved to make it Responsive in Backend
  • Update: TP Post Listing: Carousel JS Improved to make it Responsive in Backend
  • Update: TP Testimonials: Carousel JS Improved to make it Responsive in Backend
  • Accessibility: TP Social Embed: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Video: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Creative Image: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Number Counter: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Site Logo: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Button: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Data Table: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Tabs & Tours: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Container - iFrame: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Row: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Social Feed: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Update : FSE: TP Post Meta Info: Improved for Compatibility
  • Compatibility: WP Fastest Cache Plugin: Purge cache compatibility after every page/post save.
  • Compatibility: W3 Total Cache Plugin: Purge cache compatibility after every page/post save.
  • Compatibility: WP Super Cache Plugin: Purge cache compatibility after every page/post save.
  • Added: TP Button: Option for Image
  • Improved: Google Font Load improvement from @import to Direct
  • Update: Site Logo: Editor Side URL Disabled
  • Update: TP Image: Float Align Option Added
  • Fix: TP Post Content: Post Excerpt bug
  • Fix: TP Message Box: Front JS Bug
  • Fix: TP Post Listing: Post Excerpt Bug Fix and JS Bug Fix
  • Fix: Many more bug fixes and Improvements

Version 2.0.0

  • Added: Login, Signup and Forgot Password Block. Check Block
  • Improved: Revamped CSS File Structures and made all assets condition based for all 100+ Blocks and Features to make assets lightweight and improve the performance of the site.
  • Update : Full Site Editing(FSE) : 100+ Blocks and Features : Improved for Compatibility
  • Improved: Revamped CSS & JS Generation Algorithm and Added Two Fresh options for Assets Generation. The first one is Smart Optimised, and the Second one is On Demand Assets Loading. Read More about that.
  • Accessibility: 100+ Blocks and Features: Aria Text and Accessibility related Updates based on Google Lighthouse
  • Update: 100+ Blocks and Features: Responsive Devices compatibility and improvements as required
  • Added: Delay Extra 3rd Party JS Option:  If enabled, It will delay heavy JS like Font Awesome Pro, Google Map, Lottie files and More in future.
  • Added: Defer CSS & JS: If enabled, It will load all CSS & JS of the page with defer method to render HTML Faster.
  • Added: Fluid Typography: Font Size with Clamp Option
  • Added: TP Accordion: Force Accordion Open Option
  • Improved: Multi-Select Component for all Blocks
  • Update: All TPAG Blocks will be shown first in the Gutenberg Blocks Selection panel
  • Added: TP Testimonials: Grid Layout Options
  • Added: TP Testimonials: Masonry Layout Options
  • Compatibility: LearnPress Initial Compatibility
  • Compatibility: Plus Extra: Display Rules Added Compatibility with selected other block plugins
  • Added: TP Advanced Chart: Option for Prefix/Postfix with Number
  • Update: TP Scroll Sequence: Improved with Image Preloading for better performance
  • Added: TP Popup Builder: Option for Delay time after Page Load
  • Security: Greensock Js with Latest Version
  • Update: TP Team Listing: Added Icons Option in all Styles
  • Compatibility: Jet Search,  Jet Smart Filter, Jet Engine Attributes Compatibility
  • Update: TP Draw SVG: Responsive Relayout Improved
  • Update: Font Awesome CSS Load in Responsive Devices Improved
  • Update: TP Row and TP Container Responsive Columns and other triggers Improved in Responsive Device Setup
  • Update: TP Animated Service Box: Hover Triggers improved for responsive setup
  • Update: TP Accordions: Hover Triggers improved for responsive setup
  • Update: TP Tabs & Tours: Hover Triggers improved for responsive setup
  • Update: TP Switcher: Hover Triggers improved for responsive setup
  • Update: TP Team Listing: Carousel JS Improved to make it Responsive in Backend
  • Update: TP Social Reviews: Carousel JS Improved to make it Responsive in Backend
  • Update: TP Social Feed: Carousel JS Improved to make it Responsive in Backend
  • Update: TP Product Listing: Carousel JS Improved to make it Responsive in Backend
  • Update: TP Post Listing: Carousel JS Improved to make it Responsive in Backend
  • Update: TP Media Listing: Carousel JS Improved to make it Responsive in Backend
  • Update: TP Dynamic Devices: Carousel JS Improved to make it Responsive in Backend
  • Update: TP Anything Carousel: Carousel JS Improved to make it Responsive in Backend
  • Update: TP Flipbox: Carousel JS Improved to make it Responsive in Backend
  • Update: TP Testimonials: Carousel JS Improved to make it Responsive in Backend
  • Accessibility: TP Advanced Button: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Social Embed: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Creative Image: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Data Table: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Tabs & Tours: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Advanced Typography: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Animated Service Boxes: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Circle Menu: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Carousel Remote: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Lottie Files: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Social Sharing: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Container - iFrame: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Dynamic Device: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Row: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Hotspot: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Mailchimp: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Scroll Navigation: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Social Feed: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Accessibility: TP Social Reviews: aria-label Custom Text Option Added
  • Update: TP Animated Service Boxes: Dynamic Heading Tag added
  • Update: TP Animated Service Boxes: Styling options added in service element Style
  • Update : FSE: Audio Player: Improved for Compatibility
  • Update : FSE: Coupon Code: Improved for Compatibility
  • Update : TP Image : Float Align Option Added
  • Fix: TP Popup Builder: Previous URL Condition Bug
  • Fix: TP External Form Styler: On Reload visible editor side Bug
  • Fix: TP Navigation Builder: Container Bug
  • Fix: TP Media Listing: Style 4 Full Box Link Bug
  • Fix: TP Post Listing: Post Load Equal height Bug
  • Fix: TP Post Listing: Post Load Category Wise Bug
  • Fix: TP Tab Tours: Content Area Equal Height Bug
  • Fix: TP Timeline: RTL CSS Bug
  • Fix: TP Tab Tours: On Click Isotope JS animation Bug
  • Fix: TP Tab Tours: Every Tab Lazy Load Bug
  • Fix: TP Animated Service Box Article Box Bug Fix
  • Fix: Many more bug fixes and Improvements

Version 1.4.9

  • Fix : Accordion : JS Bug Fixed and Improved
  • Fix : TP Breadcrumb : Dynamic CSS Frontend loading Bug

Version 1.4.7

  • Fix : Accordion : JS Bug Fixed and Improved
  • Fix : Lottie Files : URL Based option bug

Version 1.4.8

  • Added : TP Container : Add new Column Option
  • Added : TP Social Feed : Facebook Feed
  • Added : TP Social Review : Facebook Reviews
  • Added : TP Social Embed
  • Improved : TP Draw SVG : Revamped block by Converting jQuery To Javascript for Front End for better performance.
  • Fixed : TP External Form Styler Contact Form 7 Acceptance Field Bug
  • Fixed : TP Accordion : Front end JavaScript Bug
  • Fixed : Minor other bug fixes and Improvements.

Version 1.4.6

  • Added : TP Post Listing : Added option to change text "No Post Found"
  • Improved : TP Advanced Typography : Revamped block by Converting jQuery To Javascript for Front End for better performance.
  • Improved : TP Advanced Chart : Revamped block by Converting jQuery To Javascript for Front End for better performance.
  • Improved : TP Animated Service Boxes : Revamped block by Converting jQuery To Javascript for Front End for better performance.
  • Fixed : Minor other bug fixes and Improvements.

Version 1.4.7

  • Fixed : Cache Manager : On Demand Assets Caching fixed bugs

Version 1.4.5

  • Added : TP Switcher : Added inline Block Editor Option to add content to avoid multiple reusable blocks to create (For Performance)
  • Added : TP Timeline : Added inline Block Editor Option to add content to avoid multiple reusable blocks to create (For Performance)
  • Added : TP Expand : Added inline Block Editor Option to add content to avoid multiple reusable blocks to create (For Performance)
  • Added : TP Popup Builder : Added inline Block Editor Option to add content to avoid multiple reusable blocks to create (For Performance)
  • Improved : TP Switcher : Revamped block by Converting jQuery To Javascript for Front End for better performance.
  • Improved : TP Expand : Revamped block by Converting jQuery To Javascript for Front End for better performance.
  • Improved : TP Hotspot : Revamped block by Converting jQuery To Javascript for Front End for better performance.
  • Improved : TP Social Sharing : Revamped block by Converting jQuery To Javascript for Front End for better performance.
  • Fixed : Dynamic Date Field Bug.
  • Fixed : TP Navigation : Off Canvas Responsive Bug.
  • Fixed : TP Media Listing : Minor Bug.
  • Fixed : Tp Column & Tp Conatainer : Sticky CSS Bug.
  • Fixed : Tp Switcher : Minor Bug.
  • Fixed : Tp Post Listing : Reusble Block in Search Page - Load More / Lazy Load Bug.
  • Fixed : Minor other bug fixes and Improvements.

Version 1.4.6

  • Added : Tp Accordion : Added inline Block Editor Option to add content to avoid multiple reusable blocks to create (For Performance)
  • Added : Tp Tabs & Tours : Added inline Block Editor Option to add content to avoid multiple reusable blocks to create (For Performance)
  • Improved : Tp Accordion : Revamped block by Converting jQuery To Javascript for Front End for better performance.
  • Improved : TP Message box : Revamped block by Converting jQuery To Javascript for Front End for better performance.
  • Improved : TP Stylish List : Revamped block by Converting jQuery To Javascript for Front End for better performance.
  • Improved : TP Social Icon : Revamped block by Converting jQuery To Javascript for Front End for better performance.
  • Improved : TP Row : Revamped block by Converting jQuery To Javascript for Front End for better performance.
  • Improved : Cache Manager : On Demand Assets Caching Improved and fixed few bugs
  • Compatibility : Improved some compatibility with Blocksy Theme
  • Compatibility : Basic Compatibility with HivePress WordPress Plugin
  • Fixed : Load Reusable Block CSS : Blocksy Content Template Front End Bug
  • Fixed : Tp Container : Padding Bug
  • Fixed : Minor other bug fixes and Improvements.

Version 1.4.4

  • Added : Inner Container : Sticky option added
  • Added : Posts Listing, Product Listing, Team Listing : 8 column option Added

Version 1.4.5

  • Update : Container block default Enabled

Version 1.4.4

  • Added : TP Button
  • Added : TP Social Icon
  • Added : TP InfoBox
  • Added : TP Code Highlighter
  • Update : TP Post Listing : Option For Author Split Text
  • Compatibility : Astra Custom Layout Template CSS Load
  • Fix : TP External Form Styler : Bug
  • Fix : TP Container : Bug

Version 1.4.3

  • Added : TP Scroll Sequence Block
  • Added : TP Dynamic Devices Block
  • Update : TP Post Listing : Option For Author Split Text
  • Update : Animated Services Box : Portfolio Style-2 Content Padding option added
  • Update : Animated Services Box : Portfolio Style-2 Overlay Color option Added
  • Fix : Animated Services Box : Portfolio Style Initial active slide bug fix
  • Fix : Social Review : Google Badge Bug
  • Fix : TP Container : CSS Bug

Version 1.4.2

  • Fix : TP Row Block to Convert TP Container Block default options bug fix

Version 1.4.3

  • Fix : TP Row Block to Convert TP Container Block default options bug fix

Version 1.4.1

  • Added : Plus Extras : Magic Scroll : Developer : Custom Trigger Name
  • Update : Plus Extras : Magic Scroll Backend Improvement : Work under progress for sticky option and background-color option to make it working in backend
  • Fix : Plus Extras : Magic Scroll : Frontend On load bug fix and Improvements
  • Fix : TP CTA Banner : Hover 3D Tilt Bug Fix
  • Fix : Display Rules : Time of Day Bug
  • Fix : Display Rules : Date and Time Condition Improvement

Version 1.4.2

  • Compatibility : Rank Math : Filter for TOC List
  • Fix : TP Breadcrumbs : Woocommerce Product Category , Product Tag , Shop Page compatibility and more
  • Fix : Performance : Cache Manager Improvement

Version 1.4.1

  • Fix : Readme Update
  • Fix : TP Container Bug

Version 1.4.0

  • Added : TP Row : Convert to Container Option for Better Performance and Easy Migration
  • Added : TP Container Block
  • Added : TP Button : Width option
  • Added : TP Creative Image : Image Filter Effect for Normal and Hover
  • Added : TP Infobox : Border option for Image
  • Added : Interactive Circle Block [View Demo]
  • Added : TP Search Bar : Alignment option
  • Added : Advance option : All Blocks : Position Absolute / Fixed
  • Added : TP BlockQuote : Custom BlockQuote Icon list
  • Added : TP BlockQuote : Change Icon Size Option
  • Added : TP Paragraph : Margin Padding Option for UL / OL
  • Added : Help/Description Fields in Components
  • Updated : TP External Form Styler : Spinner CSS Changes for Alignment.
  • Updated : Reusable Blocks Editing and Selection UX Improvement
  • Fix : TP Row : Stretch(Full Width) Bug
  • Fix : Reusable Block : On Save Bug Fix CSS Generate
  • Fix : TP Post Meta : Archive/Singular Pages Category Bug
  • Fix :  CSS/JS Assets Frontend Loading error Bug
  • Fix : Typography, Box Shadow, etc : All Popover Component Alignment bug
  • Compatibility : Genesis Custom Blocks Bug
  • Compatibility : Rank Math : TP Paragraph block
  • Compatibility : Rank Math : TP Data Table block
  • Compatibility : Rank Math : TP Pricing List block
  • Compatibility : Rank Math : TP Pricing Table block
  • Compatibility : Rank Math : TP Tab Tours block

Version 1.4.0

  • Added : TP Row : Convert to Container Option for Better Performance and Easy Migration
  • Added : TP Container Block [View Demo]
  • Added : MagicScroll Animation Effects : In all Blocks + Container : Scale | Opacity | Rotate | Skew |Color | Border | Horizontal | Vertical | Sticky [View Demo]
  • Added : Global Tooltip : In all Blocks [View Demo]
  • Added : Continuous Effects : In all Blocks : Pulse | Float | Toss | Rotate [View Demo]
  • Added : Advanced Typography Block [View Demo]
  • Added : Global Equal Height : In all Blocks [View Demo]
  • Added : Global Advanced Border Radius : In all Blocks [View Demo]
  • Added : TP Heading Title Block : Heading Animation Options [View Demo]
  • Added : Design Tool : Grid Layout for Designers to Review Sites [View Demo]
  • Added : Metro Layout option in Blog Posts [View Demo] | Woo Commerce Product Listing [View Demo] | Dynamic Post Listing | Media Listing Blocks [View Demo]
  • Added : On Demand Assets Loading Option - For Alternate Caching option 
  • Added : Advance option : All Blocks : Position Absolute / Fixed 
  • Added : Post Listing : Custom Query Filter Function
  • Added : TP Button : Custom Width option
  • Added : TP Infobox : Border option for Image
  • Added : TP Mailchimp : Icon Color option
  • Added : TP Mailchimp : Alignment option
  • Added : Pop Up Builder : Responsive Option for Full Width Button
  • Added : Display Conditions : Dynamic User Role Drop Down
  • Added : Help/Description Fields in Components
  • Added :  TP Navigation : Margin & Border Radius options with responsive
  • Update : Reusable Blocks Editing and Selection UX Improvement
  • Update : TP Creative Image : Image Filter Effect for Normal and Hover
  • Updated : Pricing Table : Responsive (Tablet/Mobile) option for scale
  • Fix : TP Row : Stretch(Full Width) bug
  • Fix : Reusable Block Save bug for CSS Generate
  • Fix : TP Animated Service box : Text and TextArea Component Dynamic Bug
  • Fix  : TP Countdown : Style 2 Bug
  • Fix : TP Navigation : Mobile Icon bug
  • Fix  : TP Media Listing : Full Box Link With URL
  • Fix : Dynamic Data Minor Bug
  • Fix : TP Accordion Dynamic bug
  • Fix : TP Tab Tours Dynamic bug
  • Fix : Typography, Box Shadow, etc : All Popover Component Alignment bug
  • Compatibility : Genesis Custom Blocks : Bug
  • Compatibility : Rank Math : TP Process Steps 
  • Compatibility : Rank Math : TP Timeline
  • Compatibility : Rank Math : TP Expand
  • Compatibility : Rank Math : TP CTA Banner
  • Removed : Tp Product Listing YITH Button Option Removed

Version 1.3.1

  • Fix : TP Navigation Builder : Selector CSS Bug
  • Fix : Product Listing : Display Category HTML Render add class.

Version 1.3.1

  • Added : Settings : Plus Blocks : Scan and Disable Unused Blocks
  • Added : Settings : Performance : WordPress(Gutenberg aka Block Editor) Default Blocks Scan and Disable Unused Blocks
  • Update : URL Component : Added Custom Attribute option.
  • Fix : Blocksy Content template Dynamic CSS load Bug
  • Fix : Appearance : Widgets And Customiser : All The Plus Blocks Hidden in Widgets Area and Customiser Area
  • Fix : Post Listing : Display Category HTML Render add class. 
  • Fix : Basic Blocks (TP Button, TP Heading, Pro Paragraph, etc) jQuery won't be loaded bug


  • Fix : Minor bug fix


  • Fix : Minor bug fix


  • Update : Full Site Editing : Compatibility Improvements
  • Fix : TP Row : Deep Layer : Background Video AutoPlay bug
  • Fix : TP Social Feed : Instagram API bug Improvements
  • Fix : Dynamic Content Field : ACF Gallery Bug
  • Fix : Appearance : Widgets : Block Editor Bug
  • Fix : Bug fix and Improvements


  • Update : Full Site Editing : Compatibility Improvements
  • Fix : Appearance : Widgets : Block Editor Bug
  • Fix : Bug fix and Improvements


  • Fix : Backend Editor block Textarea component Bug fix

Version 1.3.0

  • Added : Dynamic Content : All TPAG Blocks : New Feature Added [View Demo]
  • Added : Rollback Version Option in The Plus Settings Panel
  • New : Social Embed : Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Vimeo, Google Map : New block Added [View Demo]
  • New : Social Review : Facebook, Google, Custom, Mixed Reviews : New block Added [View Demo]
  • New : Social Feed : Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Vimdeo, Mixed Feed : New block Added [View Demo]
  • New : Coupon Code : New block Added [View Demo]
  • New : Code Highlighter/Source Code : New block Added [View Demo]
  • New : Preloader : New block Added [View Demo]
  • New : Mouse Cursor : New block Added [View Demo]
  • Added : TP Row : Wrapper Link : New Feature Added
  • Added : TP Column : Wrapper Link : New Feature Added
  • Added : Post Listing : OrderBy - Random Option
  • Added : Product Listing : OrderBy - Random Option
  • Fix : Timeline : Responsive CSS bug Fix
  • Fix : Lottie Files : Responsive Alignment Bug fix
  • Fix : Navigation Builder : Manual Menu in Menu Open New Tab Bug fix
  • Fix : TP Row : Column : Sticky Column JS bug fix
  • Fix : Posts Listing : PHP Bug fix
  • Fix : Popup Builder : Copy Paste Block bug fix
  • Fix : Tp Row -> Column : Vertical/Horizontal and Update Field Devices Bug fix
  • Compatibility : Jet Engine Gutenberg Block Plugin : Display Rules bug fix
  • Compatibility : Canvas Block Plugin : Display Rules bug fix
  • Fix : Mobile Menu : Template Option Type String bug fix in Firefox Browser
  • Fix : SVG Icon Duration Option Bug fix
  • Fix : TP Heading Animation : str_split word compatibility unicode text
  • Fix : TP Row : Deep Layer Video Background bug fix
  • Fix : More Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version 1.3.0

  • Added : Rollback Version Option in The Plus Settings Panel
  • New : Post Search bar : New block Added [View Demo]
  • New : TP Row : New Feature Added : Wrapper Link
  • New : TP Column : New Feature Added : Wrapper Link
  • Compatibility : Blocksy Pro : Content Blocks CSS Load
  • Compatibility : GeneratePress Theme : GP Premium Content Blocks CSS Load
  • Compatibility : Jet Engine Gutenberg Block Plugin :  Display Rules Bug
  • Compatibility : Canvas Block Plugin : Display Rules Bug
  • Compatibility : Lordicon Animated Icons Plugin : Display Rules Bug
  • Compatibility : Kadence Pro Elements Blocks : CSS Load
  • Update : Pro Paragraph : "a" tag CSS Bug
  • Update : Heading Title : "a" tag CSS Bug
  • Update : Post Listing : OrderBy Added Random option
  • Fix : Dark Mode : JS Bug
  • Fix : Breadcrumb : Parent Off Bug
  • Fix : Posts Listing : PHP Bug
  • Fix : Google Map : Map JS load in GeneratePress Bug
  • Fix : Post Listing : Post Title HTML Tag Frontend Encapsulation Bug
  • Fix : Post Listing : No Of Category List Backend Bug
  • Fix : Tp Row -> Column : Vertical/Horizontal Bug issue and Update Field Devices
  • Fix : Embed Block : Youtube and Vimeo Video Frontend Iframe Height Bug
  • Fix : SVG Icon Duration Option Bug
  • Fix : Smooth Scroll : Allowed Browser Bug
  • Fix : Post title : Archive page title Bug
  • Fix : More Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version 1.2.4

  • Fix : Core/Calendar Block Display Rules Attribute bug fix

Version 1.2.4

  • Fix : Core/Calendar Block Display Rules Attribute bug fix

Version 1.2.3

  • Update : Latest version of Splide JS for Carousels
  • Update : Carousel Slider added Option : MouseWheel & Keyboard Accessibility
  • Update : Media Listing Columns options added 5th Column Layout
  • Update : FlipBox Block : Back Side Alignment option Added
  • Fix : Animated Service Box : Portfolio Style Link Bug
  • Fix : Animated Service Box : Portfolio Style Responsive Column Bug
  • Fix : Navigation Menu : Apply Filter Bug
  • Fix : Few more bugs fixes

Version 1.2.3

  • Update : Number Counter : Update Option of Prefix & Postfix Both Together
  • Update : Latest version of Splide JS for Carousels- Update : Carousel Slider added Option : MouseWheel & Keyboard Accessibility
  • Update : FlipBox Block : Back Side Alignment option Added
  • Fix : Post Listing Block : Select Child Terms Fix
  • Fix : Blocks Frontend CSS Bug

Version 1.2.2

  • Fix  : Stylish List : Edit Page Error Bug
  • Fix : Global Spacing : Save Bug 
  • Fix : Minor Bug Fixes

Version 1.2.2

  • Fix  : Stylish List : Edit Page Error Bug
  • Fix : Global Spacing : Save Bug

Version 1.2.1

  • Update : TP Navigation Menu : Web Accessibility on Focus Menu Option
  • Update : Heading Animation : Title Tag CSS Bug
  • Update : Post Listing and Product Listing : Load More/Lazy Load Option + Security Update
  • Update : Security Updates
  • Fix : Media Listing : Minor Bug
  • Fix : Tp Navigation Menu : Minor Submenu bug
  • Fix : Kadence Compatibility : Custom Font : Bug Undefined Variable
  • Fix : Animated Service Box : Bug
  • Rank Math : Advanced Button Block Compatibility for Word Count

Version 1.2.1

  • Update : Dark Mode Compatibility With Global Palettes of Astra, Kadence, Blocksy Theme and Many More.
  • Update : Breadcrumbs Block : Custom Home URL Option
  • Update : Security Update
  • Fix : Pricing List : Price Option Bug
  • Fix : Kadence Compatibility : Custom Font : Undefined Variable Bug
  • Rank Math : Accordion, TP Image, InfoBox, TP Heading, Stylist List, TP Button, FlipBox Blocks compatibility for Words Counts

Version 1.2.0

Version 1.2.0

  • Added : Block : Dark Mode Check Demo
  • Added : Display/Conditional Rules based on Login Status : All Blocks Compatibility : Check Demo
  • Update : TP Post Image Block : Fancy Box Popup
  • Update : Tp Image Block : Fancy Box Popup
  • Fix : Site Logo : SVG URL Bug
  • Compatibility : Themes : Global Colors : Astra, Kadence, Blocksy and more based on Gutenberg Default Color Palette
  • Compatibility : Plugins : Global Colors : Stackable
  • Compatibility : Themes : Custom Fonts : Blocksy, Kadence
  • Compatibility : Plugins : Custom Fonts plugin Custom Fonts, Use Any Font

Version 1.0.5

  • Added : Heading Animation : Animation Style Duration Timing Option
  • Added : Multiple Blocks : SVG Icon Selection Option
  • Update : FlipBox : Button Link issue
  • Compatibility : Multiple Themes Compatibility
  • Fix : Other Bug Fixes & Improvements

Version 1.1.7

  • Added : InfoBox : SVG Icon Option
  • Added : Pricing Table : SVG Icon Option
  • Added : FlipBox : SVG Icon Option
  • Added : Number Counter : SVG Icon Option
  • Added : Extra option : Disable Google Font Load
  • Update : TP Post Image : New Styling Options
  • Update : FlipBox : Button Link issue
  • Update : Improved Regenerate Assets : CSS Regenration
  • Compatibility : Nexter Theme : Improved CSS Regeneration Process
  • Compatibility : Blocksy Theme : Global Colors and Custom Font Family Connection
  • Compatibility : Stackable Gutenberg Blocks : Global Colors
  • Compatibility : Astra Theme : CSS Related Compatibility with Testing
  • Compatibility : Guten Theme : CSS Related Compatibility with Testing
  • Compatibility : PopularFX Theme : CSS Related Compatibility with Testing
  • Compatibility : GO Theme : CSS Related Compatibility with Testing
  • Compatibility : Neve Theme : CSS Related Compatibility with Testing
  • Fix : TP Post Content : Editor Error Bug
  • Fix : TP Post Image : Bug Fix
  • Fix : Other Bug Fixes & Improvements

Version 1.0.4

  • Fix : JavaScript Conflict Customizer Bug 
  • Fix : Bug Fix

Version 1.0.3

  • Update : Tabs & Tours Block : Active Tabs based on URL Id
  • Update : Social Sharing Block : Toggle Style Alignment Option Added

Version 1.0.2

  • Added : TP Heading Animation Block Title Tag (H1-H6) Option
  • Fix : TP Row : Column Spacing Improved  
  • Fix : JQuery Migration Update

Version 1.1.6

  • Update : Theme Compatibility (Hello Elementor) 
  • Fix : Carousel Bug in Most of Carousel related Blocks
  • Fix : JQuery Migration Update
  • Fix : TP Post Meta Block Author Image Bug

Version 1.1.5

  • Added : Option of “Reusable Block” in The Plus Settings
  • Update : Assets Regenerate Option Added 
  • Update : Backend Google Font Issue Update
  • Update : TP Image Block : Backend Link Modal box removed

Version 1.0.1

  • Update : Admin Panel Improvements
  • Update : Performance Improvements
  • Fix : Popup Builder Bug Fix

Version 1.1.4

  •  Fix : Option of Dynamic Cache from The Plus Settings removed

Version 1.1.3

  • Added : Block : TP External Form Styler (Contact Form 7, Gravity Form, Everest Form etc..)
  • Added : Global Options Save Button Added
  • Update : Post Author Block : Show User Role bug Fix and Label Option Added
  • Update : Draw SVG Block : Fill Color Not working
  • Update : Row inside Column Horizontal Position Option added
  • Update : TP Heading block : Subtitle Margin Field added
  • Update : Post Title Block : Hide Dots Option Added
  • Update : Post Listing Block : Default Columns Options
  • Fix : Post Comment Block : Bug Fix
  • Fix : Post Content Block : Bug Fix
  • Fix : Paste Feature : Plus Block Media Import bug Fix

Version 1.0.0

  • Launch : Initial Release 🎉

Version 1.1.2

  • Compatibility : WordPress 5.8
  • Update : Column Responsive Show/Hide Options
  • Update : Video Block : Schema Option
  • Update : Stylish List : Rich Text Integration in Content
  • Update : Breadcrumb Block : Schema Option
  • Update : Accordion Block : Schema Option
  • Update : Performance Improvement by Minifying Dynamic CSS and Global CSS
  • Update : Post Meta Block : Field Category Option
  • Update : Post Meta Block : CSS Updates
  • Update : Pricing Table Block : Improvements
  • Update : Carousel All Blocks Migrated from Slick.js to Splide Vanilla Js
  • Fix : Further Bug Fix and Improvement

Version 1.1.1

  • Added : Smooth Scroll Block
  • Update : Post Meta Block
  • Fix : Reusable Block Load CSS Bug
  • Fix : Plus Paste Import Issue whole Block Media Import

Version 1.1.0

  • Added : Site Logo Block
  • Added : Post Listing Block
  • Added : Post Title Block
  • Added : Post Content Block
  • Added : Post Meta Info Block
  • Added : Post Image Block
  • Added : Post Comment Block
  • Added : Post Author Info Block

Version 1.0.4

  • Fix : Nested blocks dynamic assets loading bug fix

Version 1.0.3

  • Update : Performance improvement for plugin used without any blocks used

Version 1.0.2

  • Update : Compatibility with .alignfull & .alignwide classes of Gutenberg
  • Update : Static CSS for Default Column Width Values

Version 1.0.1

  • Fix : Advance Tab Styling Fixed (Each Block)
  • Fix : Creative Image : Margin CSS Fixed
  • Fix : Infobox Style 3 : Margin CSS Fixed 
  • Fix : Other Minor bug fix

Version 1.0.0

  •  Initial Release